Web Development Services
Ideas are like rabbits, by the time you execute one, you have a dozen banging your head. Web application can best be explained as successful and efficient execution of an idea. Tech Prastish has gained expertise in the execution by transforming hundreds of amazing ideas into brilliant web applications. Our experience based strong foundation enables us to transform a basic idea into a full featured database dependent web application. We write the codes with the most advanced technologies which make them clean, reliable and enhanceable. We create secure and bug free applications for your business which are capable of heavy lifting yet easy to maintain. Above all the applications developed in Tech Prastish are so robust that they never disintegrate due to the failure of one or the other component.
Glimpse Of Ideas Behind Web Development
Well commented & documented
No doubt our code is self documented and we work on deadlines too, but pressure of deadlines never makes us feel uncomfortable to maintain the external documentation where ever it’s required.
Standardization of communication protocols, interfaces, and data formats are the key considerations for interoperability. We use open standards where available and publish standards where not available.
Elegance and usable
Usability improves trust, satisfaction and reduces support costs while elegance of the solution speaks to how well the solution fits the problem space. We use to develop a rare combination of Usability & Elegance.
We follow security best practices to increase the capability of a system to reduce the chance of malicious or accidental actions. The web applications we develop, easily passes 3rd party penetration tests.
In this age where customers are won and lost in 2-3 seconds, Performance is our ultimate goal. We create highly optimized applications so that latency never shall be a hurdle to drive more traffic, engagement, and increase brand loyalty.
We do Test, Test, fix and Test – Application never shall be crashed after deployment, If it crashes then it heals itself. The applications we develop, has the ability to continue operating in the expected way over time.
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Think tanks
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Cross Platform Apps
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