Create Custom Pipe in Angular 8
February 12, 2020

What is Pipe? It is used to transform data into a user readable format. It helps in custom formatting of data in an Angular template. The essence of a Pipe is that it is typically used for transforming data for user friendly UI. Example – In most of the cases, A layman prefers to see ...Read more

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Stripe API for Subscription
February 10, 2020

There are many payment gateways that provide subscription APIs for membership plans. One of them is Stripe, which is very easy to understand and implement. The APIs for plan creation, subscription and cancellation code in Stripe are as follows: Create a Plan Admin can create the plans with the name of a plan, interval and ...Read more

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Implement Dropzone in Laravel
February 10, 2020

Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing powerful tools needed for large, robust applications. Dropzone DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag-drop file uploads with image previews. It is ...Read more

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The Significance of Visual Appeal for Website Design
February 6, 2020

Right website design practices help you create an engaging view. A good web design uses illustrations, photography, typography, space, layouts, and color to enhance the aesthetics of a product. Visual design helps improve both User Interface (UI) design and Graphic Design. Being a successful web designer requires you to follow the principles of visual design. ...Read more

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How to Use Migrations in CodeIgniter 3
February 6, 2020

In CodeIgniter, migrations are used to create and maintain databases programmatically. Migrations are written in PHP code. The framework will translate the code into SQL statements. By default, migrations are disabled. You can enable/disable migrations from migration.php file located in application/config directory   Each Migration is run in numeric order forward or backward depending on ...Read more

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Different ways to speed up wordpress site
January 30, 2020

Website speed is important for good user experience and ranking in search engine results pages. There are different techniques that can be used to speed up a WordPress site. Why should you need speed up WordPress site: There are many reasons some are listed below: 1) Slow websites are not just irritating but they can ...Read more

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How to use Laravel Tinker
January 30, 2020

In this Laravel tutorial, I will explain to you about the ‘Tinker’, one of the awesome features in Laravel application that allows a user to interact with entire Laravel applications from the command line. You can put all eloquent queries on the command line with the help of Tinker. With the help of Laravel’s lesser-known ...Read more

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